GazeddaKibris is an independent and non profit news portal promoting fundemental values like human rights, social justice and peace. As GazeddaKibris we are happy to promote Cyprus Dialogue Forum’s efforts to enhance the level of understanding of the communities in Cyprus. The content of the media reviews are prepared by Cyprus Dialogue Forum and GazeddaKibris shares their original content to reach wider audience.
Front Page Headlines
It’s not a ‘public beach’ but just sewage
1,100 colony forming units of Escherichia coli bacteria recorded at Alagadi public beach. The maximum limit should be 250. Experts speaking on the issue complain that the water treatment facility in Kyrenia is insufficient. Mayor of Esentepe (Agios Amvrosios) Cemal Erdoğan: “There is nothing we can do about the pollution.” Head of the Biologists’ Association Hasan Sarpten: “The infrastructure in Kyrenia is unable to cope with the city’s growing population.” Microbiologist Sedef Kutlu: “The water in Alagadi is contaminated with sewage.” The founding president of the Society for the Protection of Turtles Kutlay Keço: “Our hope is that the authorities will solve this problem as soon as possible.”
- “Surrender the murderers of our son to justice” – Family of George Low who was stabbed to death in South Cyprus in 2016, is calling on the authorities to hand over the two suspects believed to have carried out the attack.
- Maraş initiative raised tensions in parliament – (Tufan) Erhürman: “Have the details of the inventory study been determined?” (Kudret) Özersay: “The details of the inventory haven’t been determined yet.” (Ersin) Tatar: “We believe that Maraş must be opened under Turkish Cypriot administration.” Erhürman: “Is the Prime Minister speaking on behalf of the government or are these his views?”
You’re all so exhausted! You all deserve a holiday!
Parliament will convene for the last time today before the summer recess. Parliament has no intention of amending the constitution it hides behind. It did nothing worthwhile the past year. Parliament, which frequently fails to achieve a quorum, only approved nine new laws this past year, amendments excluded.
- Özgürgün outraged by his party and the government – National Unity Party (UBP) MP Hüseyin Özgürgün harshly criticized the government and his political party for the establishment of a special committee to investigate corruption allegations against him and to evaluate whether or not to lift his political immunity.
Stirring up trouble
Democratic Party (DP) leader Serdar Denktaş harshly criticized the UBP and the People’s Party (HP) MPs, accusing Ersin Tatar and Sunat Atun of complaining to Turkey about him. Denktaş gave an interview to Kıbrıs.
- Committee on Özgürgün established – Special committee made up of seven MPs tasked with investigating allegations against Hüseyin Özgürgün and to decide whether or not to lift his political immunity approved. Özgürgün said he was the victim of a plot and threatened to resign.
Honey to turn into poison
Political parties reached an agreement to form the special committee (to lift his political immunity). Hüseyin Özgürgün said the UBP threw a bone at Kudret Özersay but that there will be serious consequences in the end.
- An inventory of Maraş (Varosha) already exists – Fevzi Çakmak, former deputy chair of the committee in charge of determining and evaluating property compensation claims said that the committee, upon the request of the late president Rauf Denktaş, had carried out an inventory study that lasted for months. The findings were given to both Denktaş and distributed to other state departments.
He could resign
Seven person committee tasked with investigating corruption allegations against UBP MP Hüseyin Özgürgün was approved by a majority of votes in parliament. Özgürgün who spoke to Bayrak TV criticized the Deputy Prime Minister and Peoples’ Party leader Kudret Özersay. He said that he will be evaluating the situation and might even resign from his seat in the parliament.
- His response was harsh – PM Ersin Tatar responded to Republican Turkish Party (CTP) MP Fikri Toros who criticized the government’s decision on Maraş (Varosha). “The President and the opposition remain silent to ongoing efforts by the Greek Cypriot side to usurp our rights,” Tatar said.
- Police carried out a raid – They brought cars rented in the south before disassembling them in the north.
- The situation is becoming dangerous – Racially motivated attacks on the Greek Cypriot side in the last five years have increased by four times. Out of 131 attacks, 28 were carried out against Turkish Cypriots.
- Swift sentencing from the judge – Seven life sentences given to serial killer in South.
Interest in Maraş (Varosha)
Kudret Özersay is denying it but Ersin Tatar confirms that Maraş (Varosha) will be opened under Turkish administration. Tatar’s call to Turkish investors has been answered! The head of the South Aegean Hoteliers Association in Turkey Bülent Bülbüloğlu said they were interested in investing in the abandoned hotels in the fenced-off city. “We are in contact with the tourism ministry and our colleagues. We are preparing to take action according to the TRNC government’s decision on Maraş (Varosha),” he said.
- Seven life sentences for serial killer – Court sentences Nicos Metaxas to seven life sentences for the murder of five women and two children.
Main News
Maraş (Varosha) opening triggers heated debate in parliament
Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası, Kıbrıs, Havadis, Diyalog, Afrika
The government’s plans regarding the fenced-off city of Maraş (Varosha) triggered a heated debate among MPs in the Turkish Cypriot parliament on Monday.
While the opposition criticized the government of being left in the dark on the issue, Prime Minister Ersin Tatar reaffirmed the government’s intention to open Maraş (Varosha) following an inventory of all movable and immovable properties in the closed city.
Addressing the plenary on Monday, the leader of the Social Democratic Party (TDP) Cemal Özyiğit said that it was unfortunate they had to learn about the government’s decision on Maraş (Varosha) from a routine press briefing of the cabinet.
He said that issue should have been discussed at a high-level meeting with the participation of the president before any decision was made.
Özyiğit also pointed out that the issue of Maraş (Varosha) had an international dimension to it and that the fenced-off city could only be opened under the supervision of the UN and by returning it to its lawful owners.
Leader of the main opposition Republican Turkish Party (CTP) Tufan Erhürman complained that the government had yet to share the details of its plans.
He said that there seemed to be confusion over the matter even between the coalition partners.
“Even the President who is the UN’s number one interlocutor has no information about the details of the initiative. What you say must be consistent. More importantly, you need to carry out a serious assessment before acting out on your plans,” he said.
Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay said that the government had taken a clear decision to conduct an inventory in Maraş (Varosha) and had agreed in principle to take steps without harming the rights of former residents and the Evkaf administration.
He added that the government’s next move will be determined according to the results of the inventory.
“However, we haven’t decided on what will be included in the inventory and a timetable for the project,” he said.
Özersay said that meetings will be arranged with the president, former presidents and the political parties in the coming days to discuss the move.
Also addressing the plenary, Prime Minister Ersin Tatar reminded that Maraş (Varosha) has remained closed off for 45 years and that the Greek Cypriot side perceived the return of the fenced-off city in the event of a solution as a ‘done deal’.
“Since there isn’t a solution in Cyprus, that option is no longer on the table,” he said.
Tatar added that the political situation on the island had changed and that the time to pursue a proactive policy had come.
He said he believed Maraş (Varosha) should be reopened under Turkish Cypriot control and that it former residents either compensated for their properties or allowed to return.
“Despite the fact we haven’t produced a decision yet to reopen Maraş (Varosha), this is our plan. Our coalition partner doesn’t think very differently on the subject. It will be exciting is to see what the inventory will reveal and what steps shall be taken afterwards. The reopening of Maraş (Varosha) will have a huge impact on the economy,” he said.
In a separate statement on Monday, the South Aegean Hoteliers Association (GETOB) in Turkey were interested and ready to restore the abandoned hotels in the fenced-off city.
“Cyprus is mostly visited by British tourists. The same goes for the city of Muğla in Turkey. Since we are well acquainted with the demands and habits of British tourists it wouldn’t be difficult to do business in Maraş (Varosha). We are interested and ready to invest in the fenced-off city. We are in close contact with our counterparts and are ready to take action according to the TRNC government’s decision on Maraş (Varosha).
Fevzi Çakmak, former deputy chair of the committee in charge of determining and evaluating property compensation claims said that an inventory of properties in Maraş already existed.
Speaking to Havadis on Tuesday, Çakmak said that an inventory had been prepared upon a request from the late president Rauf Denktaş. He recalled that the work carried out at the end of the 80s had lasted for months and that the findings were presented to both Denktaş and to other state departments.
Çakmak also claimed the inventory study carried out by Halil Giray was available in the state archives.
He said that the inventory included a list of all the hotels, houses, businesses, restaurants, warehouses, factories and properties owned by the Evkaf Administration located within the fenced-off city.
Çakmak argued that the current inventory study would only be a waste of time and resources.
“All they need to do is to look at the archives to find the inventory,” he said.
Özyiğit (TDP)
>> Government should have discussed the issue at a high-level meeting before taking the decision on Maraş (Varosha).
>> Maraş (Varosha) has an international dimension to it & can only be opened under the supervision of the UN and by returning it to its lawful owners.
Erhürman (CTP)
>> Details of the Maraş (Varosha) plan not known. Coalition partners must be consistent on the issue.
>> Issue must be seriously assessed before acting on the decision.
Özersay (HP)
>> Government’s action on Maraş (Varosha) will be determined after inventory.
>> Agreement in principle to protect the rights of former residents and Evkaf Administration.
>> No timeline agreed on the project.
>> Meetings will be scheduled with the president, former presidents & political parties in coming days.
Tatar (UBP)
>> Return of Maraş (Varosha) after a solution is no longer a ‘done deal’.
>> Political situation in Cyprus has changed & time has come to pursue a proactive policy.
>> No government decision on reopening Maraş (Varosha) yet but Peoples’ Party (HP) shares views on the subject.
>> Reopening Maraş (Varosha) will have a huge impact on the TC economy.
Salaries low, basic commodities expensive in South Cyprus
Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası, Kıbrıs, Havadis, Diyalog
Food prices in South Cyprus are 8.4 per cent higher than the EU average, while in general prices in the south are below average, especially housing, a newly published Eurostat data graph shows.
The data reveals that the average annual salary in the south is €24,249 compared to the EU average of €37,085.
The report showed that South Cyprus was the most expensive country in the bloc for milk, eggs and cheese, coming in 36 per cent more expensive than the EU average.
According to the same report, the price of meat, fish, fruits, vegetables and potatoes are lower than in most EU countries.
The new graph reveals that for alcoholic beverages and tobacco, people in the south pay 9.8 per cent less than the average European in their country, for clothing 2.1 per cent less, for housing the number is 26.7 per cent, for furniture and carpets 4.9 per cent, for transport equipment such as cars and bicycles 11.7 per cent, transport services 6.3 per cent, communications including postal services 14 per cent, and restaurants and hotels 7.8 per cent.
Education is also 26 per cent more expensive in South Cyprus compared to other EU countries.
British couple demand justice for their son’s murder
Internal Security
The parents of 22-year-old George Low stabbed to death three years ago in South Cyprus are calling on Turkey to hand over to Turkish Cypriot authorities the two suspects wanted in connection with the murder.
Low was stabbed to death in a bar fight in Ayia Napa in August 2016. The two suspects, Mehmet Akpınar and Salih Ahmet, had fled to the north after the incident where they were arrested by Turkish Cypriot police for entering the TRNC illegal.
Following a three-month prison sentence, the two were released and deported to Turkey.
They were arrested again in 2017 after trying to enter the country illegally through Kyrenia. Akpınar confessed to stabbing Low during his interrogation but deported to Turkey a second time before he could be handed over to Greek Cypriot authorities.
Speaking to Yenidüzen, the Low family said that they were still grieving for the loss of their son.
The family had its hopes raised recently after the exchange of criminals between the two sides in Cyprus.
They called on Turkey to hand over the two suspects so that they could be brought to the island and handed over to Greek Cypriot officials to be tried.
Police carried out a raid on the auto ring
Internal Security
Two suspects arrested for stealing a car in South Cyprus and trying to extort money from its Greek Cypriot owner appeared before a court on Monday again. One of the suspects, Arif Tolgan who owns an auto repair shop confessed to disassembling cars stolen from the South and selling as spare parts.
Police had raided Tolgan’s auto shop following an investigation into the incident which took place on June 10, 2019. It emerged that Tolgan’s partner in crime, Yaser Y. Abdslbagı had stolen another car from the south on April 12, 2019. The car was found in the auto garage disassembled in two pieces during the raid.
“CDF Press Review Disclaimer”
The articles in the CDF Press Review are translated or reproduced as they were reported by the media in each community, including the terminology adopted. Their inclusion in the review does not mean that CDF endorses the views they reflect or confirms the information they contain.