GazeddaKibris is an independent and non profit news portal promoting fundemental values like human rights, social justice and peace. As GazeddaKibris we are happy to promote Cyprus Dialogue Forum’s efforts to enhance the level of understanding of the communities in Cyprus. The content of the media reviews are prepared by Cyprus Dialogue Forum and GazeddaKibris shares their original content to reach wider audience.
Front Page Headlines
The minister signed it
It emerged that Public Works Minister Tolga Atakan had in fact approved the hiring of his brother-in-law despite having denied earlier of having any knowledge of the matter. Minister Atakan cancelled his brother-in-law’s contract on Monday.
- They spent €7,760,000 with credit cards between January-May – Greek Cypriots continue to spend for North’s economy.
- Ferries with 340 passenger capacity to bring tourists seven days a week – Steps taken during the four-party coalition government’s term in office pay off. The countdown has started for daily ferries between Antalya and Kyrenia.
Battle for post of general secretary between districts
The post of General Secretary at the National Unity Party (UBP) will be vacated by Hasan Taçoy by the end of the month. Famagusta MP Ersan Saner and Kyrenia MP Kutlu Evren have announced their candidacies for the post. Saner claims that since the UBP leader is from Nicosia, the post of the party’s second-in-command should be given to someone from Famagusta. His rival Evren, however, argues that Kyrenia is just as equally important as Famagusta.
- Salman confessed to murder – Suspect Mohammad Salman confessed to murdering Hasan Işık Özgöçmen in his second voluntary testimony to the police. Turkish Cypriot police have asked the Greek Cypriot police to hand over evidence incriminating Salman.
- “Excluding us is against geographical facts” – Mustafa Akıncı said there is a new energy equation in the region and the Greek Cypriot side is making alliances with regional countries to leave Turkish Cypriots and Turkey out of the equation in an interview with Turkish daily Hürriyet.
Rain and hail caused severe damage
The heavy rain and hail storm resulted both in floods and in ruining crops in the fields. İskele’s (Trikomo) town centre was flooded following an hour of heavy rain.
- Price hike in milk and dairy produce – Milk producers found the 0.30TL price increase in raw milk unsatisfactory but dairy producers argue the price hike is not necessary and added that this will lead to an automatic increase in the retail prices of dairy products.
- Public reform bill not effective on its own – TC Public Workers’ Union (KTAMS) President Güven Bengihan stressed problems in the public sector cannot be overcome with just implementing the public reform bill.
Express payment to the farmers
Agriculture Products Marketing Board (TÜK) has completed preparations to purchase all the barley and wheat produced by the farmers. Farmers will be paid three days after they deliver their produce to the Board.
- Insisting on the wrong wastes yet another historical opportunity – Mustafa Akıncı evaluated the tension in the Eastern Mediterranean and its effects on the efforts to find a solution to the Cyprus problem.
Who is going to solve it?
Pileups were experienced at crossing points over the weekend after Greek Cypriots, making use of the Kataklysmos holiday, flocked to the TRNC. Long queues were formed at the Beyarmudu (Pergamos) and Metehan (Ayios Dhometios) crossing points. The government must hurry to assign more staff at the crossing points to deal with the growing number of people crossing over to the North.
- ‘There will be consequences’ –The Greek Defence Council reevaluated Fatih’s drilling activities at an extraordinary meeting. (Alexis) Tsipras sent a clear message to Turkey.
Erdoğan uses Cyprus as bait for elections
(TC Teachers Union General Secretary) Elcil accused Recep Tayyip Erdoğan who claims he is protecting the maritime rights of Turkish Cypriots as being ‘insincere’. Elcil asked Erdoğan: “Have you left any Turkish Cypriots in the North?”
Main News
Akıncı: “Turkey cannot be constricted to its own shores”
Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs Postası, Kıbrıs, Havadis, Diyalog
Energy, Regional International Relations
President Mustafa Akıncı reiterated the Turkish side’s position that Turkey and the TRNC cannot be expected to abandon their rights in the region.
He said that a way out of the current problem regarding hydrocarbons could be found through international law.
In an interview to the Turkish daily Hürriyet republished by all major Turkish Cypriot dailies on Tuesday, Akıncı accused the Greek Cypriot side of exploiting its international recognition and EU membership to conjure up support for its actions in the Eastern Mediterranean.
“The Greek Cypriots are trying to win the support of countries by issuing licenses to the companies such as ExxonMobil, Total and ENI. In return, the Greek Cypriots get a pat on the back. They are making a historical mistake,” Akıncı said.
Referring to the issuing of arrest warrants for the crew of the Fatih, Akıncı said that nothing could be achieved by resorting to scaremongering tactics.
Akıncı said that it was essential to establish a joint committee to deal with the issue of hydrocarbons so that Turkish Cypriots would be included in the process.
He added that Turkey should not be excluded from the energy equation in the region as it has the longest coastline in the eastern Mediterranean.
“Turkey is not a country which can be constricted to its own shores. No one should expect Turkey or the TRNC to relinquish their rights in light of these realities. Since the Greek Cypriots refuse to discuss this issue, both Turkey and the TRNC are left with no choice but to take steps to protect their own rights,” he added.
Akıncı said that it was important to be strong not only at the negotiating table but on the ground as well.
“No one should expect the Greek Cypriots’ unilateral moves to go unanswered,” said Akıncı, adding that the Turkish Cypriot side’s goal was to achieve stability in the region and Cyprus not through military means but through peaceful moves.
Regarding US pressure on Turkey to cease its activities, Akıncı said that the US was approaching the issue from its own perspective and interests.
He said that no one could question Turkey’s or the TRNC’s efforts to protect its own rights and interests when even a country like the US which was thousands of kilometres away sees itself entitled to have a say on the matter.
“The US officials we meet with tell us that Turkey’s drilling activities are provocative. I ask them if they tell the Greek Cypriots that their unilateral actions are wrong. Being a global power doesn’t mean you can ignore the rights of one side completely and give your full support to the other. The US should not encourage wrongful steps but should support steps that will support stability,” Akıncı said.
Akıncı also said the EU was repeating the mistake it made in the past by siding with the Greek Cypriots on the energy issue.
“The EU had accepted the Greek Cypriots into the bloc before a solution had been found. Now the same is being done with the energy issue. Unfortunately, the issue which could act as a catalyst for a solution is being transformed into a source of conflict and tension. International actors encouraging the Greek Cypriots’ unilateral actions are only helping raise these tensions. A historical opportunity is being wasted by repeating the same mistakes of the past,” he added.
“The Greek Cypriots are building alliances in the region in an effort to exclude Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots from the energy equation,” said Akıncı.
He added that excluding Turkey and the Turkish Cypriots from the picture went against the historical and geographical realities.
Akıncı warned that it was not possible to achieve stability with these alliances formed between South Cyprus, Greece, Israel, Egypt and the US.
“If this gas is to be transported to Europe via a pipeline, the shortest, cheapest and most practical way to do it will be through Turkey and Greece,” he added.
To bring up an illogical project such as the East-Med project which envisages transporting the gas from South Cyprus to Greece via Crete is part of these efforts, said Akıncı.
He argued that the current quagmire could and should be solved through diplomacy and that the discovered resources should be used for cooperation among the countries of the region.
Akıncı concluded by repeating his view for the need for a joint committee to deal with the hydrocarbons issue.
“This committee could operate under the supervision of the UN. There are similar committees that currently operate on other matters. However, the Greek Cypriot side is running away from all forms of dialogue on the issue, only recognizing its own authorities and sovereignty. Anyone who expects us to abandon our political and economic rights is naïve,” he said.
Deputy Speaker of the Turkish Cypriot Parliament Zorlu Töre on Monday said that the intentions and actions of the US, France and Italy around the island of Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean were unacceptable.
In a written statement, Töre said that Ankara’s determined stance on the hydrocarbons issue gave great confidence to Turkish Cypriots.
Töre also said that the latest developments showed that Turkey’s active and effective guarantee was indispensable for Turkish Cypriots.
He added that the latest joint declaration of the 6th South EU summit contained enmity against Turkey.
“Turkey is a guarantor in Cyprus and has the longest coastline in the Eastern Mediterranean. Those who choose to ignore the political equality and sovereignty of Turkish Cypriots can leave us unprotected and without a state. The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is our greatest assurance,” he said.
Deputy leader of the Turkish Republican Peoples’ Party (CHP) Ünal Çeviköz also criticized the joint declaration of the 6th South EU summit.
In a written statement on Monday, Çeviköz said his party condemned the approach of the EU countries which ignored Turkey and the TRNC on the Cyprus Issue and hydrocarbons issue.
He said that the CHP was deeply concerned about various articles in the joint declaration.
“These articles do not contribute to efforts to reach a lasting and comprehensive solution to the Cyprus Problem. We condemn and reject the approach of the signatories of the declaration which ignore Turkey’s and the TRNC rights regarding their Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ), energy resources and energy routes,” he said.
Çeviköz also said that those who believed that Turkey and the TRNC will back down from its rights in the face of such threatening statements are mistaken.
He argued that these states had found the courage to overstep their boundaries as a result of the Justice and Development (AKP) party’s wrong foreign policies.
Çeviköz added that it was of utmost importance to urgently establish a dialogue with regional countries in order to prevent Turkey’s further isolation and exclusion from the energy picture.
The AKP government must stop exploiting the Cyprus Issue and the situation in the Eastern Mediterranean, must amend relations with Israel, Syria and Egypt and take steps to ensure that Turkey is not excluded from the energy equation, Çeviköz said.
>> Turkey & TRNC cannot be expected to relinquish their rights in the region.
>> Hydrocarbons problem could be solved through international law.
>> GCs using their international recognition & EU membership to conjure up support for their actions in the Eastern Mediterranean.
>> Nothing can be achieved by resorting to scaremongering tactics.
>> Establishing a joint committee to deal with hydrocarbons issue essential.
>> Turkey which has the longest coastline in Eastern Med. should not be excluded from the energy equation.
>> Turkey is not a country which can be confined to its own shores.
>> Turkey & TRNC left with no choice but to take steps to protect their own rights after GCs refuse dialogue.
>> TC side’s goal is to achieve stability in the region and Cyprus not through military but peaceful moves.
>> US has own interests on hydrocarbons. No one can question Turkey’s & TRNC’s claims to protect their own rights and interests in its own geography.
>> US officials need to tell GCs their actions are wrong and should support steps in favour of stability.
>> EU repeating the mistake of the past by siding with the Greek Cypriots on the energy issue.
>> Hydrocarbon issue could act as a catalyst for a solution but is being transformed into a source of conflict and tension.
>> Encouragement of GCs’ unilateral actions by international actors only helping raise tensions.
>> An historical opportunity is being wasted by repeating the same mistakes of the past.
>> GCs building alliances in the region to exclude Turkey & TCs from energy equation. This is against historical and geographical realities.
>> Not possible to achieve stability with these alliances.
>> Transporting natural gas to Europe via Turkey shortest, cheapest and most practical way.
>> Current quagmire could and should be solved through diplomacy.
Töre (UBP)
>> Intentions and actions of the US, France and Italy around the island of Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean unacceptable.
>> Ankara’s determined stance on hydrocarbons issue gives TC great confidence.
>> Latest developments show Turkey’s active and effective guarantee indispensable for TCs.
>> Joint declaration of the 6th South EU summit contains enmity against Turkey.
>> TRNC greatest assurance for TCs.
Çeviköz (CHP)
>> Joint declaration at EU summit does not contribute to efforts to reach a lasting and comprehensive solution to the Cyprus Problem.
>> CHP condemns & rejects the approach of the signatories of the declaration which ignore Turkey and the TRNC‘s rights.
>> Turkey & TRNC will back down from its rights in the face of such threatening statements.
>> Turkey is in the current situation as a result of AKP’s wrong foreign policies.
>> Turkey needs to urgently establish dialogue and mend relations with regional countries to prevent its further isolation and exclusion.
The problem of long queues at crossings needs to be addressed
Greek Cypriots flocked to the north on Monday following the Orthodox Pentecost (Kataklysmos, Ay. Pnevmatos/ Αγ. Πνευματος) public holiday in the South. As a result, long queues formed especially at the Beyarmudu (Pergamos) and Metehan (Ayios Dhometios) crossing points. Diyalogreported that the long queues were the result of a shortage of staff registering vehicles and people at the crossing points.
İlker Edip, Mayor of Beyarmudu (Pergamos) confirmed the long queues and noted that the problem at the crossing point existed in both directions. He said Turkish Cypriots wishing to cross to the south and tourists in the north who fly out of Cyprus via Larnaca airport are forced to wait long hours at queues forming at the checkpoint.
There were also long queues at the Metehan crossing point despite the opening of a third lane at the Turkish Cypriot end of the crossing point. Nonetheless, long queues extended for almost a kilometre due to inadequate immigration service provided, the paper reports. People speaking to Diyalog stressed the need to employ more immigration officials at the crossing points.
Elcil accuses Erdoğan of using Cyprus as bait for elections
Yenidüzen, Kıbrıs, Afrika
Regional/International Relations
Şener Elcil (TC Teachers Union General Secretary) said on Tuesday that Turkey’s policy on Cyprus was aimed at prolonging the non-solution of the Cyprus problem by pushing forward unacceptable proposals whilst maintaining the overarching goal of claiming the entire island.
In a written statement Elcil accused Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of using Cyprus as a political tool to gain leverage in the upcoming election for the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and using Turkish Cypriots as political hostages.
Elcil said that even though Erdoğan frequently reminds everyone that Turkey is a guarantor state in Cyprus he fails to speak about Ankara’s responsibilities as guarantor.
Elcil said the occupation of a third of the island, pursuing a process of ethnic cleansing, transferring population to change the demographic structure in violation of the Geneva convention, looting and handing out Greek Cypriot properties to others, creating puppet regimes through interfering in elections and undermining the political will of Turkish Cypriots’ were not among Turkey’s responsibilities of a guarantor state.
“We wish to remind Erdoğan, that Turkey, Greece and UK responsibilities as guarantor states are to protect the territorial integrity and constitutional order of Republic of Cyprus (RoC),” Elcil added.
He accused Erdoğan who claimed to be protecting the maritime rights of Turkish Cypriots of being ‘insincere’, adding that he was blinded with the greed over the island’s hydrocarbon reserves.
“One can only talk about the rights of the Turkish Cypriots if only s/he respects all Cypriots”, Elcil said. He claimed Erdoğan will be questioned for wiping out all Turkish Cypriots on the island as a result of his policies.
Elcil (KTOS)
>> Turkey’s policy on Cyprus aimed at prolonging non-solution of the Cyprob, through unacceptable proposals.
>> Turkey’s overarching goal is to claim the entire island.
>> Erdoğan reminds Turkey is one of Cyprus’s guarantor counties but fails to speak about responsibilities of being a guarantor.
>> Erdoğan is insincere in his claims of protecting the maritime rights of TCs.
>> Occupying a third of Cyprus, changing the demographic structure, looting GC properties, creating puppet regimes and undermining TCs’ political will not part of guarantors’ responsibilities.
>> Erdoğan is blinded with the greed over the island’s hydrocarbon reserves.
>> One can only talk about the rights of the TCs if only s/he respects all Cypriots.
“CDF Press Review Disclaimer”
The articles in the CDF Press Review are translated or reproduced as they were reported by the media in each community, including the terminology adopted. Their inclusion in the review does not mean that CDF endorses the views they reflect or confirms the information they contain.