Envision Diversity
Vois Cyprus, KKTC’de bulunan yabancı öğrenciler tarafından kurulan ve hak temelli savunuculuk yapan bir oluşum.
Çoğu öğrenci ya rengi, ya ırkı, ya geldiği yer, ya milleti ya da dini inancından dolayı birden fazla nedenden dolayı, çok boyutlu ayrımcılık yabancı düşmanlığı, önyargı ve ırkçılık ile mücadele etmekte. Buradaki sistem içerisinde yerleşmiş kurumsal ırkçılık, dışlama, ötekileştirme, ayrımcılık ve diğer bütün fobiler yanında sistemin bu konuda çok yavaş adımlar atması ve çözüm üretmeye direnmesi, yabancı öğrencilerin buradaki öğrencilik tecrübesini çok daha zorlaştırmaktadır.
Bunun yanında, bu halkanın en mağdur olan bireylerinden birisi şüphesiz kadınlar ve toplumsal cinsiyet rollerine uymayan “ LGBTI+” bireylerdir.
Vois Cyprus, bu yüzden kendi inisiyatifleri altında bu konu ile ilgili olarak ayrı bir komite kurmuş ve kadına karşı şiddet, toplumsal cinsiyet, toplumsal cinsiyet temelli ayrımcılık gibi konularda hem Vois hem de toplumsal anlamda farkındalık çalışmaları yapmaktadır.
Komite’nin sorumlusu olarak görev yapan Rawaa davetimizi kabul edip komite ile ilgili bilgi verdiği için çok teşekkürler ediyoruz.
Gender- based Violence Committee is an arm of VOIS Cyprus which is a Non-governmental organisation providing international students a platform to share their experiences in Cyprus through their own voices.
Our vision as a student-led organisation is to see every student regardless of gender, race, ethnicity or political background being represented, protected and given a voice to express themselves.
Our main objective is to empower students, by giving the tools and knowledge to voice out and be free from any form of discrimination, oppression or unfair treatment while they pursue their studies.
Our gender committee at VOIS Cyprus has come up with different initiatives and campaigns that are centered on assisting women and children and men that may be affected by domestic abuse/violence and Sexual harassment, our mission encompasses raising awareness to the community on those very sensitive matters by using many forms of expression such as Video campaigns, press write ups, seminars among others and more over most importantly our mission is to support victims and survivors by connecting them to the needed help they need at any given situation wether it is connecting them to lawyers/psychologists/ guiding with the reporting process among many other things.
Especially during this period of self-isolation due to Corona virus crisis we are maximizing our efforts to tackle domestic violence.
We believe that a lot of women may be suffering in silence, without a safe channel or way of reaching out as they are confined to their homes which are meant to be safe but unfortunately the place they face the worst.
In light of the communication challenge between the abused/survivors and those able to provide assistance, our committee is working on different channels and strategies to sensitize the general publics as well as provide resources to the survivor.
Recently we became part of the local network against domestic violence, and we believe it’s a great step to be able to help foreign students who are victims of violence and expand our networks with more local women organizations in TRNC.
Every day survivors suffer in silence, we believe our work is vital, to sensitize the youth and lead them to be vocal against domestic violence and harassment , to re-define ideas of false masculinity that contribute to violence, to bring the gender lens in many issues we face and ignore and most importantly to Support survivors and let them be sure they are not alone.
Gender-Related issues Committee,