GazeddaKibris is an independent and non profit news portal promoting fundemental values like human rights, social justice and peace. As GazeddaKibris we are happy to promote Cyprus Dialogue Forum’s efforts to enhance the level of understanding of the communities in Cyprus. The content of the media reviews are prepared by Cyprus Dialogue Forum and GazeddaKibris shares their original content to reach wider audience.
Front Page Headlines
‘Dive’ in the prices of state real estate
Citizens will possibly have to put their hands deeper in their pockets for fees. A 60 per cent to 70 per cent drop in state real estate values in Nicosia, 15 per cent in private immovable property. Concerns at the Nicosia Sewerage Board on who will cover the reduced state taxes.
- They seek a five-party conference in September – Autumn will be the month of developments on the Cyprob.
- Famagusta: The polls have started
Checkmate by the Presidential Palace
It raises issue of anti-constitutionality and puts pressure on parties for foreclosures. The laws on foreclosures are being shelved. Two tendencies within DIKO – Borrowers are shouting.
- Energy issues are also put on the table – The president promises reassurances.
- Ankara will not back down, says Tatar.
- Pressure on Trump for sanctions against Turkey
The ‘holy’ tractors are digging 4,000-year-old antiquities
The Antiquities Department has recently reached an agreement with the Archbishop to continue erecting towers and luxury hotels putting the important archaeological discoveries on the back burner (Hellenistic era type sanctum, grove, aqueduct, gardens etc). Outrage by AKEL and Paphos’ organised groups.
- (AKEL) The president must show what he wants with actions
- Consultations underway for the new Famagusta mayor for a widely accepted candidacy
Johnson: We will get Brexit done
Secures 66% of party votes, US president says Johnson is ‘Britain Trump’.
- High rents reportedly driving students to live in the north
Natural gas (to be discussed) also at the meeting
The TC side insists on the issue of hydrocarbons and is asking a role also before the solution. Turkish insistence shows that we will be constantly finding the energy issue in our way and that any solution efforts will be coming up against this. Ersin Tatar: We don’t want a federation, we want a separate state only with Turkey’s guarantees.
- “Good Luck”: The two leaders will meet without Lute
- They are looking for a widely accepted candidacy – Famagusta Municipality: Initiative by DISY, AKEL is on board. Which names, of party members and not, are being weighed in by polls.
- SEK (trade union) calls for reassessment of the Green Line Regulation
Main News
Burcu: Anastasiades’ arguments on natural gas proposal are unconvincing
Alithia, Cyprus Mail, Haravgi, Phileleftheros, Politis
Energy, Negotiations Process
The TC side said they do not agree with President Nicos Anastasiades’ arguments on the rejection by the GC side of TC leader Mustafa Akinci’s proposal on setting up a joint hydrocarbons committee, the dailies report on Wednesday.
The meeting of the two leaders on August 9 will take place without UN special envoy Jane Holl Lute who called them on Tuesday to wish them good luck.
According to the papers TC leader’s spokesman Baris Burcu said on Tuesday Anastasiades’ response was received late Monday, and that Akinci would raise the hydrocarbons issue again when the leaders meet on August 9.
Burcu said Anastasiades’ arguments against Akinci’s proposal that a joint committee be set up to handle hydrocarbons, were unconvincing.
Commenting on Anastasiades’ reference on the convergence between former leaders Mehmet Ali Talat and Demetris Christofias that hydrocarbon activities would be a federal competence after a comprehensive solution and also that the TCs’ rights to hydrocarbons and joint management had been accepted by the GCs as a given after the solution, Burcu said the convergence itself was incompatible with Akinci’s current proposal.
“There is still no agreement on a comprehensive solution to the Cyprus problem, nor a federal structure or a joint federal administration so there is no mechanism for centrally managing hydrocarbons and other natural resources,” he said.
Burcu also countered Anastasiades’ reference that legislation has already been passed by parliament for the creation of the hydrocarbons’ fund that takes into account the rights of the TC by saying that TCs should participate in all phases of hydrocarbons’ operations and if a fund is created, this is something that should be decided together.
He also said that one-sided decisions and creating funds by excluding the TCs does not give them a sense of guarantee because their rights cannot be left to the mercy of the GCs.
The papers, citing the Cyprus News Agency, also report that sources said that if an informal conference was convened, the GC side would ask for the resumption of negotiations under the UN framework as a continuation of the talks where they left off in Crans-Montana in 2017. According to the same sources, the informal conference could be held in New York in September following the UN General Assembly.
At the same time, the Turkish provocations off Cyprus do not seem to be an obstacle for convening a five-party conference since this concerns an informal procedure to decide the next steps and not actual talks, the sources said.
Alithia, Haravgi and Phileleftheros also report that TC ‘prime minister’ Ersin Tatar said that the majority of GCs were racists and that a federal solution would collapse. He also said the dream of the GCs was ‘enosis’ (union with Greece).
Phileleftheros reports that Tatar raises to the ground any expectations for a prospect of convergence. His messages are indicative of Ankara’s intentions but also of the occupied areas, as they seem to move in the same direction and with the exact same targets.
In a related issue, according to the papers, Anastasiades will review the developments regarding Turkey’s activities in Cyprus’ EEZ with the new Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis who is due on the island on a two-day visit on July 29.
Government Spokesman Prodromos Prodromou said Mitsotakis’ visit was of the “utmost importance”, saying it was taking place at a crucial period full of challenges.
In the meantime, Prodromou said later on Tuesday that UN special envoy Jane Holl Lute wished Anastasiades during a telephone call good luck on his meeting with Akinci. They agreed to be in contact after the meeting, Prodromou said. Lute also called Akinci.
According to Phileleftheros, the energy issue is bound to be put on the negotiations table given that Akinci insists on discussing the matter while Anastasiades appears to be willing to give additional reassurances when negotiations reach their final stage. The daily also reports that the GC side is concerned by Akinci’s behaviour especially after adjusting his positions lately according to those of Ankara with the Presidential Palace wondering whether a procedure can proceed since Akinci cannot do what he wants.
>> Anastasiades’ arguments are not convincing.
>> The Talat-Christofias convergence Anastasiades uses as argument is incompatible with Akinci’s current proposal since there is no solution agreement in sight or a federal structure thus no mechanism for centrally managing hydrocarbons and other natural resources.
>> Rejects hydrocarbons fund set up by RoC arguing TCs should participate in all phases of hydrocarbons operations including co-deciding on setting up such a fund.
>> One-sided decisions by GCs do not make TCs feel reassured since their rights cannot be left to the mercy of the GCs.
>> Believes a federal solution would collapse since most GCs are racists and dream of ‘enosis’.
Government-AKEL tiff on Cavusoglu claims
Alithia, Haravgi, Phileleftheros, Politis
Negotiations Process
The papers report on the latest spat between main opposition AKEL and the government on the claims by Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu that the president had proposed a two-state solution some two years ago.
AKEL called on Anastasiades to clarify that he is seeking a bizonal biconmmunal federal solution. The party argued that for some time now there have been indications Anastasiades had discussed and tested the waters for a two-state solution with foreign officials but also Cypriot politicians and journalists. The only effective way for Anastasiades to respond to all these is to show with actions the necessary will for things to move towards the direction pointed out by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the party said.
Government spokesman Prodromos Prodromou said AKEL, even in the midst of this crisis created by Ankara, is attempting to preserve the opposition scenario of blaming the president by attributing to him what AKEL’s leader himself heard from Cavusoglu’s mouth when he had visited him in Turkey, that he is seeking the creation of a separatist state in the occupied areas.
DISY too said AKEL ignores the clear position of the President of the Republic, which has been repeatedly formulated the last two years for continuation of the negotiation of the Cyprus problem from where it left off in Crans-Montana, on the basis of BBF and the Guterres Framework.
AKEL hit back saying the party does not have as criterion what Cavusoglu is saying to judge Anastasiades and his positions. The party said however they found positive that the Presidential Palace and ruling DISY declare their commitment to a BBF solution within the Guterres Framework.
>> Calls on Anastasiades to clarify that he is seeking a BBF solution given that there have been indications he had discussed the prospect of a two-state solution with foreign and Cypriot officials and journalists.
>> To prove rumours wrong, Anastasiades must show with actions the necessary will for things to move towards the direction pointed out by Guterres.
>> Does not judge Anastasiades based on what Cavusoglu says.
>> Finds positive that government and ruling DISY declare their commitment to a BBF solution within the Guterres Framework.
>> AKEL, even during this critical period, carries on the same tune and exercises opposition to Anastasiades by attributing to him what Cavusoglu also told AKEL’s leader himself that he is seeking the creation of a separatist state in the occupied areas.
>> AKEL seems to ignore that Anastasiades has been declaring for the past two years that he wishes the talks to continue from where they left off in Crans-Montana for a BBF solution based on the Guterres Framework.
Trade union calls for reassessment of Green Line Regulation
Alithia, Phileleftheros
CBMs, Economy
SEK trade union called on the government and parliament to reassess the Green Line Regulation citing profiteering by some who take advantage of the situation at the expense of law-abiding businesses.
The union said in a written statement the government ought to take the issue of trade with the occupied areas seriously since it is taking disturbingly dangerous dimensions. SEK said that products of Turkish origin of dubious quality and without sufficient checks arrive with great ease at the table of consumers, while taxis, trucks, buses and other commercial vehicles are running on fuel only from the occupied areas. As a result, the state, apart from all others, is losing millions in tax revenue.
The Employers and Industrialists Federation is concerned by this and has formally requested from the government for a revision of the Green Line regulation, since it operates unfairly to the detriment of businesses, and consequently to workers, who operate with all legitimacy in the free areas, the union said.
Something seems to be malfunctioning as the law-abiding citizens-consumers, as well as many companies, are victims of unfair competition from dubious quality products of Turkish-TC origin, the union said according to the papers.
The government ought to react , especially during a time when Turkey is unilaterally laying claims through the pseudo state that undermine the prestige of the Republic of Cyprus, the union said, adding that it ought to ask the EU to reassess the scope and role of the Regulation to protect the economy, citizens and public health from any nutrition nightmares (including medicines) imported – mainly – from Turkey through the occupied areas, the dailies report.
‘No vessel that participated in illegal Turkish activities in EEZ docked at Limassol port’
Cyprus Mail, Politis
The papers report that the government on Tuesday said that no vessels associated with illegal Turkish drilling operations in Cypriot waters had either docked at, or approached the harbour in Limassol. This concerned local media reports claiming the ship Vos Prime, operated by Dutch company Vroon Offshore Services, had set anchor at the port of Limassol last week.
Deputy Minister of Shipping Natasa Pilides said that while the ship in question did dock at Limassol, the company is not providing any support to the Turkish drillship Yavuz, currently located off the Karspasia peninsula.
Pilides said the Dutch company had weeks ago assured the government it would not be taking part in any Turkish offshore activities around Cyprus. The Vos Prime was one of the support vessels named in a Turkish Navtex issued on July 7. Two other vessels were also named as assisting the Turkish drillship: the Vos Prince (owned by the same Dutch company) and the Posh Sincero.
Politis also reported that the foreign ministry said the reports on the Vos Prime were due to misunderstanding adding that the company owning the vessel had been approached by Turkish authorities to provide support services to the Yavuz but after the representations by the Republic of Cyprus the company gave reassurances its vessels would not support in any way these illegal activities.
The ministry’s spokesman, Demetris Samuel, said that more companies have responded positively to the representations by the government to refrain from illegal activities within the Cypriot EEZ.
Effort to find late Galanos’ successor
Alithia, Haravgi, Phileleftheros, Politis
Governance & Power Sharing
Ruling DISY has proposed to other parties to jointly find a person who will be widely accepted to replace Famagusta Mayor Alexis Galanos who died last week for the remaining of his stint, instead of going to elections to fill the post.
DISY made a public call on Tuesday for consultations among political parties to reach consensus on a widely accepted personality to serve the remainder of the mayor’s term. The right candidate must be focused on the Cyprus problem solution and return of Famagusta, the party said.
AKEL eyes the proposal positively arguing its decision will be based on the candidate’s positions on the Cyprus problem. DIKO is to decide after consultations with its Famagusta district members.
If the parties fail to agree on someone, elections must be announced as according to the law, elections must take place 40 days after the position is vacated.